For the Saved, Seeking and Same-Gender-Loving

The Salvation/Sexuality Issue

Also Known As "SIR FLIPPP"

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None of the scriptures commonly used to condemn same-gender-loving individuals have anything to do with two men (or women) who enter into a monogamous, committed, relationship based on love, devotion, or commitment (or a covenant relationship similar to that of David and Johnathan. Read about their relationship throughout the Book of 1 Samuel (Authorized King James Version).

Note in 2 Samuel 1:26 that as David was lamenting over the slain body of Johnathan, David declared that Johnathan's love to him was "sweet, PASSING the love of women". In other words, Johnathan's love for David was all he could have had with a woman plus so much more.

Those scriptures commonly used to condemn same-gender-loving individuals are related to an acronym I refer to as SIR FLIPPP. They are:

(Click on Each Link Below)

Sexual Slavery

Idolatry - Part 1

Idolatry - Part 2







Procreation - Part 1

Procreation - Part 2 (Under Construction)

Procreation - Part 3 (Under Construction)

Conclusion and Appeal