For the Saved, Seeking and Same-Gender-Loving

Procreation - Part 1

"Adam and Steve" or Eve's True Purpose

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PROCREATION: Had the Hebrews out of which the Messiah, the Savior of the world would come -- ever abandoned themselves to idolatry, two things would have occured: (1) They would have begun to sacrifice their children on a massive scale and (2) they would have incurred the wrath of God in which He would have completely destroyed them as He did other nations. (As a matter of fact, this almost happened in Exodus 32:7-14 but Moses interceded for them.) Both of these would have resulted in cutting off the lineage (40 generations, Matthew 1:1-17) from which Christ would come, and TERMINATED GOD'S PLAN OF SALVATION FOR ALL HUMANITY.

This subject of procreation brings us to three powerful issues. The first is God's creation of the woman (Eve) for Adam (or "Not Adam and Steve" as we all have heard). Please understand the following concerning God's omniscience (all-knowing) and infinite foreknowledge (knowing all things beforehand):

Jesus Christ is the lamb that is without sin and was slain "before the foundation of the world" (1 Peter 1:19-20; Revelation 13:8). Therefore, before God even spoke the first words which brought all of creation into existence, Christ already existed in the Mind of God as the supreme sacrifice for the sins of all mankind (John 1:1-5,14-15,29). God knew long before He created man that Adam would sin and bring dire consequences upon humanity. So in His Mind, God had already prepared a sinless body which would be born into humanity to be offered up as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world (Hebrews 9:14, 10:5). However, there was a problem -- Adam would be the original seed of humanity and all living things in creation could only produce "after their own kind" (Genesis 1:21-28). So once Adam became corrupt with sin, everyone of his decedents would be corrupt (Romans 5:12). Therefore, God needed a medium or vessel which would enable the Savior to be born into the world as a descendent of Adam without receiving the corruption of sin which Adam would pass down. GOD ACCOMPLISHED THIS BY CREATING THE WOMAN and this is the reason why: The sin nature of Adam is passed on to each following generation by the man, NOT THE WOMAN (although like men, women RECEIVE their sin nature from their father). The fact that the sin nature is passed down by the man, and not the woman is established by four proofs. The first is the fact that the rite of circumcision was only required of the males (Genesis 17:10-14). The foreskin which had to be cut away was a type or symbol of the sin nature which is passed down from generation to generation through the genitals of the man. Its cutting away was a type and foreshadow of New Testament baptism which cuts and casts away "the body of the sins of the flesh" (our inclination to sin) when we believe on Christ (Colossians 2:11-12). The second proof that the woman does not pass the sin nature on to her offspring is the fact that when Eve sinned first by eating the fruit which was prohibited, nothing happened. However, when the man sinned by eating the fruit, both their eyes became open. They became aware of their nakedness, experienced guilt and shame, and attempted to hide from God. Both experienced this AFTER Adam sinned because Adam was the original seed from which Eve had been created (Genesis 3:1-7; 2:18-23). Therefore, when he became corrupt with sin, its effect spread to Eve because she had been taken out of him, and was in a sense, his offspring. The third proof that the woman does not pass the sin nature onto her offspring is the fact that in the curse of the serpent where God promised the Savior, He said that enmity would be between his (the serpent's) seed and HER (the woman's) SEED (Genesis 3:15). NOTICE HE DID NOT MENTION THAT SEED AS BEING OF THE MAN. In creating the woman who's egg or ovum does not contain the sin nature (unlike the sperm of the man), God was able to cause His Word which is referred to as "incorruptible seed" (1 Peter 1:23) to act as sperm, combine with the egg of the woman (the Virgin Mary), and produce the sinless body of Jesus Christ, which was offered up as the perfect sacrifice for our sins (Heb. 10:10-12, 7:26-27). The fourth proof that the woman does not pass her sin nature to her offspring is the fact that females are BORN with all the eggs (seed) they will ever produce. (It is more difficult for an older woman to conceive because they have fewer eggs than a younger woman. Fertility clinics have proven this fact.) The formation of eggs in the female occurs while they are in a sinless state, as a fetus in the womb. However, the male does not produce seed (sperm) until the onset of puberty -- long after the sin nature has become active, and continues to produce sperm daily into old age. There are numerous cases of elderly men who have fathered children.

The woman therefore, was not created as the "help meet" (Gen. 2:18-20, fit or suited) for Adam because she was to serve him (as believed by those who promote the subjugation of women) -- she was the help suitable and fit for Adam because IN GOD'S PLAN OF REDEMPTION, SHE WOULD BE THE INSTRUMENT OF GOD TO CONCEIVE AND GIVE BIRTH TO THE SAVIOR WHO WOULD REDEEM THE MAN (Isaiah 7:14, 9:6; I Peter 2:13-15). Notice also in Genesis 3:16 that in God's "curse" upon the woman, her longing and desire for her husband was connected to conception and bearing children. And the power or rule the man would have over the woman would be sexual. This too, was a protection to ensure procreation would take place and establish the lineage (40 generations) out of which Christ would come. Homosexuality or heterosexuality was not the issue at all. Therefore, it is not about "Adam and Steve" but about Jesus Christ.