PROSTITUTION - In idolatry, temple prostitutes were a common practice since sex was a part of its worship (see Deuteronomy
23:18). Also, the term "effeminate" and "abusers of themselves with mankind" (I Corinthians 6:9) refer
to the men who disguised themselves and prostituted themselves as women. It also refers to catamites which were younger male
prostitutes. These men would rather be taken care of by an older man in exchange for sex rather than work. Today, we would
look upon them as those who are in search of a "Sugar Daddy". Here, we have a hint of why God prohibited cross-dressing
in Deuteronomy 22:5 and why Paul gave certain restrictions concerning hair in 1 Corinthians 11:13-16. In Deuteronomy, God
prohibited the Hebrews from associating with anything that reflected or was related to the practices of the nations around
them, which could open the door to idolatry. Cross-dressing for the purpose of temple prostitution was one of these practices.
In I Corinthians, Corinthian society was EXTREMELY idolatrous. A woman with a shaved head was a sign of a female prostitute
and transvestite prostitutes (men) often grew their hair long to disguise themselves as women. Prostitution was so pervasive,
that it took this distinction (hair) for female prostitutes to distinguish themselves from transvestite prostitutes which
were men disguised as women.