RAPE - as in the case of Sodom & Gomorrah (Genesis 18:16-19:25). God did not destroy S&G because of homosexuality.
If you read in Genesis 18:23-32 where Abraham attempted to intercede, God was going to destroy the cities because He could
not find ten righteous people. Back in Genesis 13:13 we are made aware of just how wicked the city was. However, in Ezekiel
16:44-50 God compares the sin of Israel as worse because they had experienced the One True God and yet turned to idolatry.
In Ezekiel 16:49-50, God lists the sins of Sodom and homosexuality is not listed. However, the word "abomination"
is used in which the original Hebrew ('towebah') usually relates to idolatry and everything that accompanies it (reference
Strong's Concordance). Beyond that, the men who came to Lot's house wanted to RAPE those angels they perceived as men. (This
is the "strange flesh referred to in Jude 1:7 -- the sexual intermingling of angels with man. See the preceding verse
in Jude 1:7 which refers back to Genesis 6:1-4.) Rape has nothing to do with sexual intimacy that proceeds from a monogamous,
committed, devoted relationship based on love. Furthermore, had those men actually been homosexual, Lot would not have offered
them his daughters. Ironically, in Judges 19:22-30, a parallel incident occurs. Men who are referred to as "sons (or
worshipers) of belial" -- belial being the name of an idol god also denotes excessive wickedness and corruption as a
result worshiping that god. These men were given a young woman who they raped all night although they originally wanted her
husband. (Note that the rape was heterosexual.) As a result, she died from the excessive abuse. (Ironic, when most refer to
Sodom and Gomorrah to condemn same-gender-loving individuals, they never condemn the fact that Lot offered his daughters to
these men to be raped.)