Idolatry is also the key to understanding Romans 1:18-32 out of which verses 26-27 are usually distorted and used to condemn
gays and lesbians. Notice first that the men left the "natural" use of the woman. The original Greek word was 'Phusikos'
which means "produced by nature, inborn, instinctive". In other words these were men who were INSTINCTIVELY sexually
attracted to women (heterosexual) unlike homosexual males, who in most cases, have never experienced or felt a sexual attraction
for females. Following, it says these men "burned in their LUST" and became promiscuous with other men. In summary,
these were heterosexual men who because of their rejection of the One True God began to perform promiscuous sexual acts with
other men out of LUST. Once again, this has nothing to do with love, devotion, monogamy, and commitment. Also, contrary to
popular teaching, the 26th verse does not condemn females who love other females (lesbians). The "natural use" (same
word meaning inborn and instinctive) which is against nature" which the women changed, was the use of the anus by heterosexual
women, to engage in sexual intercourse. Rather, than engage in vaginal intercourse during the ritual orgies, they engaged
in anal intercourse. This was most likely to avoid pregnancy (since birth control was non-existent) and to resist having to
give up their babies which were conceived in the orgies to be sacrificed. This is why the 27th verse begins "And LIKEWISE
(in the same manner) the men . . . ." As the men observed the women engaging in anal sex, they began to do the same with
other men. The recompense they received in their bodies was the host of sexually transmitted diseases which plagued Roman
society. Note that all of this was not only a result of oppressing the Gospel, but also of having knowledge of the One True
God of the Gospel (Jesus Christ) and rejecting that knowledge in preference to idols (Romans 1:18-25). Remember, Rome is
where Paul spent the last of his days ministering the Gospel which was rejected (Acts 28:16-31). Romans 1:28-32 continues
with the downward spiral that whole society took as a result. This is usually never emphasized beyond the 27th verse.