IDOLATRY - in which homosexual and heterosexual ritual orgies were common. Before planting crops, fertility rituals would
be held on the fields in which the men would engage in intercourse with women and other men. As the men would approach orgasm,
they would withdraw and release their sperm on the ground as a metaphysical way of fertilizing the earth. In some of these
rituals children (primarily boys) were often molested then sacrificed to these gods. Interestingly, this is where we get the
term "molest" from the god "molech" they were sacrificed to (Leviticus 18:21, 20:2-3). This is one reason
Leviticus 18:22 which prohibits "lying with mankind as with womankind" appears right after Leviticus 18:21 which
prohibits child sacrifice. If you consult a Hebrew lexicon (such as Strong's Concordance), you will find that the word rendered
as "mankind" could also have been rendered as "man-child" as it is in 4 other verses of the Authorized
(King James) Version.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (Enter passage and search using "KJV with Strong's Numbers".)