Since God is no respecter of persons, all of the previous are the very same contexts in which heterosexual sex is condemned.
Once again, these have nothing to do with a monogamous, committed, loving, devoted, mutually supportive relationship of which
heterosexuals have the legal sanction called marriage. Furthermore, in Galatians 3:28, we find that in Christ "there
is neither male nor female"; in Galatians 5:23 as it pertains to love, "against such there is no law"; and
in 2 Corinthians 5:16, "know we no man after the flesh". So two Believers (Christians) who love one another and
wish to commit to one another based on that love, cannot be denied that honor simply because they have the same genitalia.
Out of all which I have written, the context of idolatry cannot be overstated enough, which brings me to my final point --